jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var productViewer = function(element) { this.element = element; this.handleContainer = this.element.find('.cd-product-viewer-handle'); this.handleFill = this.handleContainer.children('.fill'); this.handle = this.handleContainer.children('.handle'); this.imageWrapper = this.element.find('.product-viewer'); this.slideShow = this.imageWrapper.children('.product-sprite'); this.frames = this.element.data('frame'); //increase this value to increase the friction while dragging on the image - it has to be bigger than zero this.friction = this.element.data('friction'); this.visibleFrame = 0; this.loaded = false; this.animating = false; this.xPosition = 0; this.loadFrames(); } productViewer.prototype.loadFrames = function() { var self = this, imageUrl = this.slideShow.data('image'), newImg = $(''); this.loading('0.5'); //you need this to check if the image sprite has been loaded newImg.attr('src', imageUrl).load(function() { $(this).remove(); self.loaded = true; }).each(function(){ image = this; if(image.complete) { $(image).trigger('load'); } }); } productViewer.prototype.loading = function(percentage) { var self = this; transformElement(this.handleFill, 'scaleX('+ percentage +')'); setTimeout(function(){ if( self.loaded ){ //sprite image has been loaded self.element.addClass('loaded'); transformElement(self.handleFill, 'scaleX(1)'); self.dragImage(); if(self.handle) self.dragHandle(); } else { //sprite image has not been loaded - increase self.handleFill scale value var newPercentage = parseFloat(percentage) + .1; if ( newPercentage < 1 ) { self.loading(newPercentage); } else { self.loading(parseFloat(percentage)); } } }, 500); } //draggable funtionality - credits to http://css-tricks.com/snippets/jquery/draggable-without-jquery-ui/ productViewer.prototype.dragHandle = function() { //implement handle draggability var self = this; self.handle.on('mousedown vmousedown', function (e) { self.handle.addClass('cd-draggable'); var dragWidth = self.handle.outerWidth(), containerOffset = self.handleContainer.offset().left, containerWidth = self.handleContainer.outerWidth(), minLeft = containerOffset - dragWidth/2, maxLeft = containerOffset + containerWidth - dragWidth/2; self.xPosition = self.handle.offset().left + dragWidth - e.pageX; self.element.on('mousemove vmousemove', function (e) { if( !self.animating) { self.animating = true; ( !window.requestAnimationFrame ) ? setTimeout(function(){self.animateDraggedHandle(e, dragWidth, containerOffset, containerWidth, minLeft, maxLeft);}, 100) : requestAnimationFrame(function(){self.animateDraggedHandle(e, dragWidth, containerOffset, containerWidth, minLeft, maxLeft);}); } }).one('mouseup vmouseup', function (e) { self.handle.removeClass('cd-draggable'); self.element.off('mousemove vmousemove'); }); e.preventDefault(); }).on('mouseup vmouseup', function (e) { self.handle.removeClass('cd-draggable'); }); } productViewer.prototype.animateDraggedHandle = function(e, dragWidth, containerOffset, containerWidth, minLeft, maxLeft) { var self = this; var leftValue = e.pageX + self.xPosition - dragWidth; // constrain the draggable element to move inside his container if (leftValue < minLeft) { leftValue = minLeft; } else if (leftValue > maxLeft) { leftValue = maxLeft; } var widthValue = Math.ceil( (leftValue + dragWidth / 2 - containerOffset) * 1000 / containerWidth)/10; self.visibleFrame = Math.ceil( (widthValue * (self.frames-1))/100 ); //update image frame self.updateFrame(); //update handle position $('.cd-draggable', self.handleContainer).css('left', widthValue + '%').one('mouseup vmouseup', function () { $(this).removeClass('cd-draggable'); }); self.animating = false; } productViewer.prototype.dragImage = function() { //implement image draggability var self = this; self.slideShow.on('mousedown vmousedown', function (e) { self.slideShow.addClass('cd-draggable'); var containerOffset = self.imageWrapper.offset().left, containerWidth = self.imageWrapper.outerWidth(), minFrame = 0, maxFrame = self.frames-1 ; self.xPosition = e.pageX; self.element.on('mousemove vmousemove', function (e) { if( !self.animating) { self.animating = true; ( !window.requestAnimationFrame ) ? setTimeout(function(){self.animateDraggedImage(e, containerOffset, containerWidth);}, 100) : requestAnimationFrame(function(){self.animateDraggedImage(e, containerOffset, containerWidth);}); } }).one('mouseup vmouseup', function (e) { self.slideShow.removeClass('cd-draggable'); self.element.off('mousemove vmousemove'); self.updateHandle(); }); e.preventDefault(); }).on('mouseup vmouseup', function (e) { self.slideShow.removeClass('cd-draggable'); }); } productViewer.prototype.animateDraggedImage = function(e, containerOffset, containerWidth) { var self = this; var leftValue = self.xPosition - e.pageX; var widthValue = Math.ceil( (leftValue) * 100 / ( containerWidth * self.friction )); var frame = (widthValue * (self.frames-1))/100; if( frame > 0 ) { frame = Math.floor(frame); } else { frame = Math.ceil(frame); } var newFrame = self.visibleFrame + frame; if (newFrame < 0) { newFrame = self.frames - 1; } else if (newFrame > self.frames - 1) { newFrame = 0; } if( newFrame != self.visibleFrame ) { self.visibleFrame = newFrame; self.updateFrame(); self.xPosition = e.pageX; } self.animating = false; } productViewer.prototype.updateHandle = function() { if(this.handle) { var widthValue = 100 *this.visibleFrame/this.frames; this.handle.animate({'left': widthValue + '%'}, 200); } } productViewer.prototype.updateFrame = function() { var transformValue = - (100 * this.visibleFrame/this.frames); transformElement(this.slideShow, 'translateX('+transformValue+'%)'); } function transformElement(element, value) { element.css({ '-moz-transform': value, '-webkit-transform': value, '-ms-transform': value, '-o-transform': value, 'transform': value, }); } var productToursWrapper = $('.cd-product-viewer-wrapper'); productToursWrapper.each(function(){ new productViewer($(this)); }); });